Nicole Kovanda

was born in the early 80s


live and work in Vienna/ Austria


love and live to write


write in German and English


publish poems and short stories in anthologies, literature magazines and on the internet


work on different novel-projekts


host workshops for creative writing, short stories and poems at the Volkshochschulen Simmering und Landstraße/ Vienna


organise readings and literature circles


graduated from the Leondinger academy for literature 2010/2011

as well as the Master Class 2012 of the association for new literature in Krems/ Austria



like to read, sing and travel

having the best ideas on the tube

visit lots of musicals and musical shows

carry pen and notebook with me all the time

feel euphoric when finishing a text after a spark of an idea

like the sea, woods and all that lies between

wish for health and contentment

hope for world peace

write about world peace, if all hope is lost

happy to find a message in my guestbook (Gästebuch)